Bob Overvold

Bob Overvold was born in Tulit’a, in the Sahtu, and raised and educated in the Northwest Territories. Overvold served as chief negotiator for the creation of Ts’udé Nilįné Tuyeta Indigenous and Territorial Protected Area, established in 2018. Overvold now sits on the K’ahsho Development Foundation, helping support operations and co-management of the area. He is also a board member of the K’áhshó Got’ı̨nę Government Negotiations Secretariat.

Overvold has worked extensively in territorial and federal government. From 1997-2007, he was the Regional Director General for the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, and from 2008-2013, he worked with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada on resolving overlapping interests in the South Slave Area and adjacent jurisdictions. During his time with the Government of the Northwest Territories, he served the Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental & Aboriginal Affairs, among other roles. 

Dominion Diamond Ekati Corporation hired Overvold in 2013 to become the Head of Environment & Communities and then the Chief Advisor for Community and Government Relations. He helped relay community concerns and develop partnerships.

Overvold participated in the Sahtu Land Use Planning Board and the Dehcho Land Use Planning Committee. And from 1981-1983, he represented the Dene Nations as their chief negotiator for land claims. 

Overvold received a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta and currently lives in Yellowknife. 


Norma Kassi


Miles Richardson, O.C.