Canada Agrees: Indigenous-led Conservation Is Central to Meeting Nature & Climate Targets



Ottawa: Mon. April 19, 2021: The Government of Canada has invested an historic $2.3 billion in nature conservation in order to sustain biodiversity, fight climate change, and create jobs. 

While specific allocations for Indigenous-led conservation are not yet known, Budget 2021 specifically references Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas as a critical solution for achieving Canada’s target of protecting 25% of lands by 2025, and it calls for supporting Indigenous Guardians programs.

Valérie Courtois, the director of the Indigenous Leadership Initiative, made the following statement:

“Indigenous Peoples have been stewards of our territories for millennia. By making an investment on this scale, Canada can begin to catch up with Indigenous ambitions for conserving lands and waters. We look forward to hearing more details as to the levels of investment for these critical initiatives.”

“This Budget confirms that the Government of Canada recognizes Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas and Guardians as central to achieving biodiversity and climate commitments.” 

“Indigenous Nations are ready to go. Both the Challenge Fund and Guardians pilot project were oversubscribed, with applications from Nations repeatedly eclipsing available funds. Many more Nations are poised to partner with Canada on conserving the lands and waters we all depend on. Today’s announcement will help make that possible.”

“As the Government of Canada places Indigenous-led conservation at the center of its biodiversity strategy, we look forward to seeing this commitment reflected in specific investments on the ground. And we expect to see this implemented on the Nation-to-Nation basis Canada is committed to.” 

“We note there are multiple investments in the budget that could be devoted to strengthening Indigenous Nationhood. Honouring Indigenous Nations’ vision for their lands and territories contributes to that work.”


Media Contact: Sean Durkan: (613-851-2151)



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