Indigenous Nations Can Help Achieve Nature & Climate Goals Outlined in Throne Speech


Ottawa: Wednesday September 23, 2020: In the speech from the throne, Prime Minister Trudeau emphasized the need to confront climate change and conserve 25% of lands by 2025.

Frank Brown, senior leader with the Indigenous Leadership Initiative, made the following statement:

“Indigenous-led conservation will play a central role in helping Canada achieve its nature and climate goals. Respecting this leadership will also advance reconciliation and build a more equitable and sustainable future.”

“Much of the recent progress in conserving lands—including forests and wetlands that store massive amounts of carbon—has come from Indigenous Nations. And the biggest proposals for creating new protected areas are Indigenous-led. Meanwhile, Indigenous Guardians are managing lands and conducting research on climate impacts and species restoration across the country.”

Credit: Ryan Dickie, Winterhawk studios

Credit: Ryan Dickie, Winterhawk studios

 “These are viable solutions for addressing some of the biggest challenges of our time. Canada has already made initial investments in Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas and Indigenous Guardians.”

“Now, by placing Indigenous-led conservation at the heart of its approach to protecting both nature and climate, Canada can lead the world in promoting a new model of ethical conservation—one rooted in respect, responsibility, and reconciliation.”

“We also welcome Canada’s commitment to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. This step forward will help support the vital work Indigenous Nations and Canada must do together to strengthen our shared future.”

Media Contact: Sean Durkan: (613-851-2151)


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